Scanning the target machine with nmap we get two open ports(80 and 22).
PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 8.9p1 Ubuntu 3ubuntu0.3 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0) | ssh-hostkey: | 256 3539d439404b1f6186dd7c37bb4b989e (ECDSA) |_ 256 1ae972be8bb105d5effedd80d8efc066 (ED25519) 80/tcp open http nginx 1.18.0 (Ubuntu) |_http-title: Site doesn’t have a title (text/html). |_http-server-header: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu) Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel
Once we access the port 80 in the browser we get: To raise an IT support ticket, please visit tickets.keeper.htb/rt/
We add tickets.keeper.htb
and keeper.htb
to hosts file.
It seems like a ticket website called “Request Tracker” in the version: 4.4.4+dfsg-2ubuntu1 (Debian)
and the company that distributes this service has a official website promoting the service outside this challenge. This means that the website may be legit but may be in a older vulnerable version.
It seems like that it does not has vulnerable versions and after running nikto
and gobuster
we didn’t find anything.
Searching for default credentials we found the username “root” and password “password”. Trying these credentials we get access to a root account.
It seems like we have one ticket from the user lnorgaard with the email lnorgaard@keeper.htb
. We have another user with the email webmaster@keeper.htb
which is attached to the ticket too. The ticket is called Issue with Keepass Client on Windows
and has the following information:
Attached to this ticket is a crash dump of the Keepass program. Do I need to update the version of the program first...?
Then lnorgaard made a comment:
I have saved the file to my home directory and removed the attachment for security reasons.
Once my investigation of the crash dump is complete, I will let you know.
In this user profile in the tab basics we get a lot of information about the user, including a comment: New user. Initial password set to Welcome2023!
Using the credentials: lnorgaard:Welcome2023!
we get access to the user ssh login and the user.txt flag.
We found a zip that seems like the dump from the Keepass mencioned in the ticket. Lets copy to our machine and analyze it(scp .
). Inside the zip, we have two files: passcodes.kdbx which seems like the keepass database and KeePassDumpFull.dmp which seems like the dump.
Privilege Escalation
Searching for ways to look at the keepass dump we found the CVE-2023-32784( This CVE is related to a vulnerability in keepass that allows the recovery of some master password characters from a memory dump of a proccess, swap file (pagefile.sys), hibernation file (hiberfil.sys), or RAM dump of the entire system. There is a POC that using a dump of the keepass, we can extract the master password(
Note: To run the POC it is required to install dotnet, just follow the following documentation if your distro is based on debian:
Running the exploit against the dump gives us all the characters in the master key except from the first two characters: ●{ø, Ï, ,, l, `, -, ‘, ], §, A, I, :, =, _, c, M}dgrød med fløde.
Searching for the master key part that we know: dgrød med fløde
, we get a typical recipe called: rødgrød med fløde. Using it against the keepass database we get access to it.
Trying the root password we didn’t get a shell as root, however get a rsa key in the comments. Lets translate that to a file and try to login in ssh with root.
Group: Network, Title: keeper.htb (Ticketing Server), User Name: root, Password: ********, Creation Time: 5/19/2023 9:36:50 AM, Last Modification Time: 5/24/2023 11:48:21 AM
PuTTY-User-Key-File-3: ssh-rsa
Encryption: none
Comment: rsa-key-20230519
Public-Lines: 6
Private-Lines: 14
Private-MAC: b0a0fd2edf4f0e557200121aa673732c9e76750739db05adc3ab65ec34c55cb0
Once we obtain the previous PuTTY-User-Key-File(ppk), we need a way to translate the rsa information into a private key so we can use in our ssh command in order to get a session as root. putty-tools have a binary called puttygen that can generate a private and public key from a ppk file. However not all versions of puttygen work. We started by downloading the version using the package manager apt but the version that we got was 0.74. Running th command to translate the file into a private key: puttygen rsa.ppk -O private-openssh -o id_rsa
we get PuTTY key format too new
. We needed to get a newer version of putty that supports the version 3 of PuTTY-User-Key-File. One article explains how to install the version 0.76,, and how to get the private key. Using the article we finally get a private key for root user. Once we login using the private key we get a shell as root: ssh -i id_rsa root@